The platform lifting out at Court Square
A huge job. Wow.
Bye bye Birde
We hear the “Big Bird ” sculpture is finally to be removed. Hurray. Overdue.
Home of the Tribeca Taco Truck
In LIC. On 44th Drive
Rooftop farms to expand in Queens and Brooklyn
The bucolic farms of middle America are getting some stiff competition from the rooftops of New York City. A growing number of commercial farms housed several stories high throughout the city are producing crops year-round — in many cases without even using dirt. Several city farms are looking for more rooftop space to grow their […]
Beer Amigos creating a ‘buzz’ in LI’s craft beer scene
To say that Travis Johnides and Mike Howland like beer would certainly be true, but to say that the two have a devout passion for the fermented beverage would be much more accurate. Known as “The Beer Amigos,” Johnides and Howland have become the newest sensations of the Long Island craft beer scene. They travel […]
Fresh Direct belongs in the Bronx
Creating jobs and stimulating the economy is our highest priority. That is why we worked so hard recently to not only keep Fresh Direct in New York City but to help it expand its operations in the Bronx. Fresh Direct is a true New York success story, growing over the last decade from a small […]
Sweetleaf is the spot in Long Island City for great specialty coffee and …
Freddy Arundel and Rich Nieto have coffee down to a science. “The attention to detail and the quality that we give to our coffee program is unparalleled,” says Nieto. The longtime friends were the first to bring specialty brews to the borough at their Long Island City espresso bar Sweetleaf, located two blocks from the […]