Rooftop farms to expand in Queens and Brooklyn
The bucolic farms of middle America are getting some stiff competition from the rooftops of New York City. A growing number of commercial farms housed several stories high throughout the city are producing crops year-round — in many cases without even using dirt. Several city farms are looking for more rooftop space to grow their […]
Beer Amigos creating a ‘buzz’ in LI’s craft beer scene
To say that Travis Johnides and Mike Howland like beer would certainly be true, but to say that the two have a devout passion for the fermented beverage would be much more accurate. Known as “The Beer Amigos,” Johnides and Howland have become the newest sensations of the Long Island craft beer scene. They travel […]
Fresh Direct belongs in the Bronx
Creating jobs and stimulating the economy is our highest priority. That is why we worked so hard recently to not only keep Fresh Direct in New York City but to help it expand its operations in the Bronx. Fresh Direct is a true New York success story, growing over the last decade from a small […]
Sweetleaf is the spot in Long Island City for great specialty coffee and …
Freddy Arundel and Rich Nieto have coffee down to a science. “The attention to detail and the quality that we give to our coffee program is unparalleled,” says Nieto. The longtime friends were the first to bring specialty brews to the borough at their Long Island City espresso bar Sweetleaf, located two blocks from the […]
The specific data on PS78
You can see how limited the data is — only 4 teachers rated. But you can also see specifics. Given the kids they had, here are the grades predicted, and here are the test grades received.
The data on PS 78
Our local LIC middle school is packed and hard to get into. Parents with kids there seem to like it. One hears so. And the neighborhood population is relatively affluent and growing more so — often a tracker of good school cohorts. The cohort is probably the most important thing in a school. But the […]
At Sculpture Center right now
As usual some great and interesting new work. Worth a visit. The corner at Purves is suddenly a vibrant art scene. Gallery, dance, artist spaces just at Jackson partly thanks to Chashama. See the full gallery on Posterous
FreshDirect and the Bronx: Thumbs up or thumbs down?
One of the few things that unite the mayor, the governor and the Bronx borough president—outside of rhetoric—is receiving opposition from some of the people. Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo and Ruben Diaz Jr. announced last week that FreshDirect will invest $130 million in capital investments, tax breaks and tax credits to build the grocer’s new […]
Is LIC the new Park Slope?
Long Island City Apartments for families are all the rage in Long Island City, the New York Times reported, and new developments slated for the area are prioritizing amenities such as playrooms, capitalizing on the relative affordability, commuting possibilities and the suburban feeling of the city. In the first quarter of 2011, the average size […]
NYC, Long Island Under High Wind Warning
advertisement New York City and Long Island are under a high wind warning overnight into Saturday morning. Damaging wind gusts of up to 60 mph are possible. And the rest of the tri-state is under a wind advisory for the same period, with expected wind gusts to near 50 mph. The highest winds will be […]
Demolition. The sign of a good economy
11th and 46th Ave What used to be printers and other messy workshops. Now slated for fancy condos. Believe it. See the full gallery on Posterous
Khans Auto Repair
On Court Square. Open Saturdays. Good dude.
Oscar Night at The Astor Room with their First Anniversary Soiree
One of the coolest places around LIC for sure. A great excuse to check it out. From their press person: The Astor Room in Kaufman Astoria Studios is hosting its First Anniversary Soiree and Oscar Night Celebration on Sunday, February 26, 2012. It’s the perfect venue to watch the Oscars among the history of one […]
The best cafe in LIC by far. By indie looks certainly. But here is a secret: that bright acidic coffee they serve in their espressos and drip is not burned robusto beans. They brew and roast fresh. So why does it taste the way it does? For you to figure out.
DEP installing new sewage detectors
The Department of Environmental Protection is implementing a new program to track sewer and stormwater overflow into the city’s waterways. A system of remote sensors will be installed to track sewer overflows at five different locations in the city, including one at Hunter’s Point in Long Island City. The sensors are part of a trial […]
Rock ‘N’ Roll and Grilled Cheese at The Queens Kickshaw
advertisement Queens is known as one of the more diverse boroughs of New York. From Flushing to Long Island City, the neighborhoods are populated by some of the most concentrated ethnic residents that I’ve encountered in my entire time in New York City. I live in Astoria, and my entire block is comprised of Indian […]
Facing Facts on the Jobs NYC Needs
Last week, Fresh Direct announced plans to move its operations from Long Island City to a new plant in the South Bronx, thanks in part to tax incentives and other benefits offered by City Hall. That means jobs for New Yorkers — but the city needs many more jobs, and it can’t afford subsidies for […]
Families Stake a Claim to Long Island City
Now apartments that can accommodate families are in demand, and buildings on the drawing board or under construction will have playrooms as amenities, along with gyms and rooftop spaces, area brokers say. “We’re just seeing the infancy, no pun intended,” said David J. Maundrell, the president of brokerage firm, which has many listings in […]
Museum and Gallery Listings for Feb. 24-March 1
Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: Museums ★ American Folk Art Museum: ‘Jubilation | Rumination: Life, Real and Imagined’ (through Sept. 2) Having escaped the ugly, West 53rd Street tomb of a building it inhabited from 2001 to 2011, the American Folk Art Museum has […]
Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge Incident Raises Question: Are NYC Bridges Safe?
LONG ISLAND CITY (CBSNewYork) — There was more fallout Thursday stemming from an incident two days earlier when falling debris landed on a car on the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge. As city and state agencies appear to fight over responsibility, the former mayor, himself, weighed in. “I love the bridge,” Ed Koch said Thursday. The […]