Tricks of the Bee Trade Being Taught at Inner City Rooftop Farm
Tim O’Neal, in the straw hat, tends to hives at the Added Value Farm in Red Hook. (Borough Bees/Tim O’Neal) MANHATTAN — Budding urban beekeepers will be taught the tricks of the honey trade with apprenticeships offered at an inner-city farm. The Big Apple Apiary, a project of Brooklyn Grange Farm, is offering 12 beekeeping traineeships that […]
High Schools Scramble to Use Credit Recovery Before Policy Ends
One of the creative accommodations that has developed in this era of data-driven education is about to come to an end, and some city high schools and their students are making a last-ditch effort to take advantage of it. The accommodation is known as “credit recovery” — described in earlier times as “make-up work” — […]
LIC welcomes JetBlue
Their shuttle from Court Square. (And did you know that the Gotham Ctr Tower is occupied right now. By city employees. They have lunch!)