David Foster Wallace Inspires Piece at Chocolate Factory
As his admirers know, economy was not Wallace’s signature style. His footnotes alone can ramble for more than a thousand words at a stretch, and his most famous novel, “Infinite Jest,” all but bore out the adjective of the title. Mr. Fish’s tribute to Wallace certainly honors his affinity for long-haul composition: it runs a […]
Spring signs in LIC
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Three Questions: NobleStrategy CEO built a business and then wrote a book about it – The Star-Ledger
William Parrish achieved more in 500 days with his construction management firm than most companies do in years. Parrish, of Maplewood, is president and CEO of NobleStrategy. The firm serves as an owner’s representative on construction projects. It focuses on program and project management, sustainable design and construction practices, and emerging contractor development and mentoring, […]
$7M pension HQ running on empty
EXCLUSIVE It’s a $7 million waste of space — and taxpayers are picking up the tab. The city’s largest pension system has blown $2.5 million on rent for an emergency backup office that has sat empty and unusable for six years. And it’s sinking another $4.7 million into renovating the 27,000-square-foot “disaster recovery site” in […]
Sara Friedlander, Matthew Siegel
Opinion » Draft: Readers’ Sentence Selections In response to an essay on subjects and predicates, readers sent in some of their favorite sentences.