The Bronx Museum of the Arts. (Photo by Jules Antonio/Flickr)
Beginning Thursday, visitors to the Bronx Museum of the Arts will not be asked to pay for a ticket. The institution announced today that it will get rid of its $5 suggested donation to mark its 40th anniversary.
The free admission is being sponsored by the New York Community Trust, a charitable group that funds a variety of programs and organizations.
“At a time when other New York City museums are raising their admission fees, we have chosen to focus on increasing access to the museum as a resource for our community thanks to the support of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York Community Trust,” Bronx Museum director Holly Block said in a statement to press.
Meanwhile, the Long Island City-based Noguchi Museum said today that it will nix its admission fees through April 22, to encourage people to visit its “Civic Action: A Vision for Long Island City” exhibition, which has artists Natalie Jeremijenko, Mary Miss, George Trakas and Rirkrit Tiravanija providing proposals for the neighborhood.
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