Big production at Court Square
The shoot is at PS1. The big extra holding is at Arris. The time is 1153pm Saturday. Burn Hollywood, burn.
End Zone: Hoyas’ Brown can escape his pass
BOWIE, Md. — Red reflectors line the long paved pathway at the end of Park Drive and lead to the two-story house set upon a wooded six-acre plot. Inside, Fred Brown, the 50-year-old former Georgetown guard, emerges through a white door marked “PRIVATE.” His hands are full, heavy with four framed photographs, two paintings and […]
Grover Cleveland fights turnaround
Print this story Facebook this Tweet this Digg this Email to a friend Parents and teachers have a lot to say about the city Department of Education’s turnaround method for schools. That was the case at St. Aloysius Church in Ridgewood, where students joined parents and teachers to voice their dissatisfaction with the DOE’s […]
Patt Morrison Asks: Jonah Lehrer, brain teaser
Zombies in movie theaters, zombies on television — a whole lot of us have brains on the brain. And so, in a substantially different way, does Jonah Lehrer. He’s put himself at the crossroads of neuroscience and the humanities with books like his first, “Proust Was a Neuroscientist,” and other volumes delving into the neuro-mysteries […]
A taste of heaven
When Janice Ruize Guo got her first look at the Hoowa Supermarket that her new student friends had been telling her about, she was disappointed. Even with aisles, shelves and coolers devoted to spiky pink dragon fruit, long cream-colored lotus roots, dumplings, dried mushrooms, noodles, sauces, tea, sweet crackers sprinkled with seaweed and shrimp-flavored chips, […]
Eagle star makes Mayor’s Cup a Senior all-star game, indeed
On paper, the second annual Mayor’s Cup was a mismatch. On one side, the Brooklyn/Manhattan/Staten Island team was an all-star team, led by trash-talking foes Leroy (Truck) Fludd of three-time defending city champion Boys Girls and high-scoring wing Thaddeus Hall of Thomas Jefferson. The other, featuring players from Bronx and Queens, was littered with ‘A’ […]