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Secret Theater Deal: Eight-Week Introduction to Acting Series or Four Children’s Acting Classes

The amazing revival at the corner of 35th Ave and 36th St

In the space of a few years – the outstanding Five Napkin Burger opens in the old Cup space – Tony Bennett builds his and Frank Sinatra’s monument art high school – the sexy Astor Room opens in the Kaufman Astoria Studios space (still a massively busy radio and tv space) – and the Museum […]

Loved Hugo or The Artist?

The museum that starts with early film — the Lumieres and Melies and Edison and the building where Valentino filmed The Sheik — has segments and sets and tools from the earliest era to today. And an amazing new building. American Museum of the Moving Image.

Turk 182 model

Queensboro Bridge from The Museum of the Moving Image.

Closing this weekend! Museum of the Moving Image – Jim Henson’s Fantastic World…

Tonight’s CB2 meeting March 1…cancelled

LICNYC was looking forward to live-tweeting this. -// Dear Board Members and Guests, Tonight’s Community Board meeting Thursday March 1st, 2012 is “Cancelled” due to a lack of a quorum. Our next Board Meeting will be held on Thursday April 12th at 7:00PM. Sorry for any inconvenience.   District Manager CB2 Q