G whiz! A subway grand plan
Astoria: Queens residents struggle to catch the G train because it has been cut to two stops in the borough. But the G could be rerouted to underserved parts of Long Island City. Build a tunnel under the Steinway/Broadway tunnel and extend the G from its terminus, Court Square, north to Queens Plaza, 36th St., through the new tunnel and then west on Broadway. This could connect with the R and M trains, then continue to 31st St., connecting with the N and Q. The next station would be 21st St., where the train would turn south and serve Long Island City High School, the Crescent St. co-ops and area shoppers. The G could then stop at 36th Ave. to serve the Ravenswood Houses, connect with the F line at Queensbridge and go east on the F tracks until it meets up with its current route under Northern Blvd. The next stop would be Queens Plaza, closing the loop and continuing south to Brooklyn. This would invigorate what is today an impotent line. Kosmas Patikoglou
The savage breast
Staten Island: I am tired of people referring to those who commit heinous crimes as animals. When was the last time an animal murdered someone and stuffed the body in an air vent? Never. The term for these criminals is “savages.” Don’t insult animals by misusing the term. Robert Morganbesser
Where’s the beefcake?
Farmingdale, L.I.: Seriously, Daily News? Every day in your paper I am subjected to at least one picture of bikini-clad or half-dressed women, and when you finally print a picture of a man in a bathing suit, it’s an overweight Eli Manning? Give us women some eye candy , too. Or leave that type of picture to magazines. Diane Gallart
Blowing the whistle
Hollis: Despite the need to root out corruption, and with the risks city workers take in reporting it, the Daily News mocks those with the courage to speak out against those stealing from taxpayers. Why else call them “snitches” (“An itch to snitch,” April 2). A snitch is a criminal who rats on fellow criminals. These are good guys calling out bad guys. Why not call them “whistleblowers”? The News should support efforts by the honest to shed light on the corrupt. Drexel Harris
Have a heart
Mohegan Lake, N.Y.: I fail to understand the cruelty of people who feel Dick Cheney should not have gotten a new heart. Regardless of age, everyone wants to live a healthy life. Carol Yatsko
Or not
Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.: I just wrote on the back of my driver’s license, “Do not transplant any of my organs into Dick Cheney.” Sean McDonald