Post-mortem on deadly mishap
L evittown, L.I.: Re “1 dead, 4 injured in crane collapse at midtown Manhattan construction site” (April 4): This accident, as well as the 2008 collapses that resulted in the deaths of Wayne Bliedner and Donald Leo, two members of IUOE Local 14, were caused by faulty equipment and/or rigging, not by operator error. To increase the profits of the developers that his organization represents, Steven Spinola, president of the Real Estate Board of New York , wants the city to relax the rules for obtaining a license to operate a crane here, so contractors will be able to bring in inexperienced, non-union operators from out of state. This may save the developers money, but it will drastically increase the likelihood of future crane accidents. Instead of questioning the business practices of the owners of these defective cranes, contractors use these accidents to push for watered-down requirements for a hoist machine operator license to accomplish their objective of weakening the crane operators’ union. Joseph H. Erskine Jr.
Short wish list
Dumont, N.J.: Is it possible for this President to be anything but an America-loathing, divisive, finger-pointing, left-wing political hack? Just once, I’d like to see him make a speech without demonizing either the Republican Congress, Rep. Paul Ryan, former President George W. Bush, the wealthy, big corporations, talk radio, Fox News, or anybody else conservative. Sadly, it’ll never happen. It’s always the same speech, different imaginary villain, different day. Pete Becker
Check that balance I
Toms River, N.J.: I didn’t know that our President was a crybaby. Stop intimidating the Supreme Court. You’re only a President, not a dictator. Alexander Klock
Check that balance II
Long Island City: To Voicer Linda Wyatt: I respectfully disagree with your assertion that Americans have lost faith in the judiciary and the Supreme Court. As witnessed recently, the Supreme Court is the only defense against those who threaten the Constitution. This is exactly what our Founding Fathers wanted — to protect the people from egomaniac politicians who want to take our freedoms. Thank God for the Supreme Court. J. Behan
Trayvon aftermath
Manhattan: To John McWhorter: I enjoyed reading “We already talk about race” (Op-Ed, April 5). I disagree with your belief that George Zimmerman was likely not an “outright bigot.” Based on the extensive media coverage of this case, it appears that Zimmerman was not only bigoted but on a one-man mission to enforce his own racist conception of justice. I also disagree with your final conclusion that we are stuck in an imperfect conversation about race. It does not have to be that way. The first step is not to hedge from calling Zimmerman a racist murderer. The second step is to condemn the Sanford police for being racist by not arresting Zimmerman immediately. William Seff