Dear Friends,
While we get our permanent projects off the ground, there are a few other things we look forward to in the coming weeks. Thanks for checking them out:TODAY Saturday April 28th
Foie Gras Poutine at Smorgasburg
M. Wells cooks Foie Gras Poutine at Brooklyn Flea’s Smorgasburg on the Williamsburg waterfront. Hugue has a long history of making foie gras and poutine at Au Pied de Cochon in Montreal. With great respect for its creator Martin Picard, we want to share this beloved dish we’ve all been craving for lately. Today’s weather should be perfect for indulging.Smorgasburg Today, SATURDAY
Open 11am-6pm on the East River Waterfront (between North 6th & 7th Street)
Paintings by Aidan O'Neal (see why below)
Wednesday May 2nd
Frieze New York Kick-Off Party
MoMA PS1 hosts the official launch party for the Frieze Art Fair which brings an incredible roster of contemporary artists and galleries to Randall’s Island from May 4-7th. At MoMA PS1’s Kick-Off this Wednesday evening, Martha Wainwright performs a full concert in the museum’s Performance Dome amidst the Kraftwerk – Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 installation. The evening will conclude with a special DJ set by Mark Ronson.M. Wells will be there with a tasty menu.
For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.
MoMA PS1 Wednesday May 2, 2012 8pm-11pm
22-25 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City
Painting by Aidan O'Neal
May 12-20th
LIC Arts Open Festival and Open Studios
The annual event invites you back to Long Island City for a wonderful string of art exhibits and performances organized throughout the loose Triangle that is Western Queens.We are particularly excited about the work of Aidan O’Neal, whose paintings you are marveling at here. Aidan will hang his first show in New York during the Festival. Originally from Vancouver, he moved to Montreal and spent a few years studying drawing and painting until he dropped out of art school to cook professionally. Aidan then moved to LIC and became an essential member of the M. Wells team. The best thing about our hiatus is that he was able to spend time at the easel. Foreign Policy – New Paintings by Aidan O’Neal will show in the barroom at Manducatis Rustica. See the LIC Arts Festival Guide for more details.
Opening Reception Thursday May 17th 7pm
M. Wells will be there to toast to Aidan’s talents as a painter … and a cook.
The show will be on view from May 16-20th.
Manducatis Rustica 46-35 Vernon Blvd, LIC
Another Painting by Mr. O'Neal
May 19-20th
The Great GoogaMooga in Prospect Park
M. Wells is psyched to cook at the Great GoogaMooga. The weekend promises to be an unforgettable Amusement Park of Food, Drink & Music. Hope you can make it.Much more to come.
Sincerely, M. Wells
M. Wells Today and into May
News from the cooks at M Wells on some of the hip happenings they are part of.