3 responses to “Two Bronx City Council members ask delay on FreshDirect deal”

  1. Jessica

    Where are our Queens elected officials to just let Bloomberg try to get away with this? The jobs and businesses we need to stay right here!

    1. LICNYC

      I think it may be up to FreshDirect not Bloomberg. We are getting a big UPS depot in LIC instead

    2. LICNYC

      Hello Peek fans

      **Check us out on stage at TechCrunch Disrupt on Wednesday** We will be talking about the formula for gadget startups these days — lots of tech companies are trying to create new products and even produce them in the US.
      We started that way too, with a vision for a low-cost smartphone that nobody was close to in the China Ecosystem. So we invented our own device, our own software stack and our own cloud. Technology that was unprecedented at the time, the Peek Stack put smart apps on a $30 Bill of Materials in a beautiful, globally award winning package. That was then.
      Now there are lots of nice, inexpensive phones being produced by the China Ecosystem — lots and lots. **800 million last year.** Half of all the phones in the world are produced by brands that did not exist a few years ago.
      Peek is software is on many of them — our technology makes it possible to do smart things on simple, low-cost phones. Look for it in a ZTE phone near you. Or a MicroMax or a Lava or Gionee or many other brands from China and in regions like India, Indonesia, Latin America, and beyond.
      **Here are some updates from the front lines:**

      **The China Ecosystem chipsets continue to march** — Spreadtrum, Mstar and Mediatek are all beating their guidance on volume for featurephone **and smartphones** – [see our take](http://www.peek.ly/blog/2012/05/the-march-of-the-china-chipsets/)
      **The Android tree keeps forking** — and forking — every big player is creating their own experience. [Why? It’s about brand](http://www.peek.ly/blog/2012/05/why-android-keeps-forking/) Apparently Google’s CFO was complaining last week that everyone is free-riding on *their* innovation. Well, Googorola’s flavor just isn’t enough to help OEMs (besides Samsung) win.
      We are well on our way to shipping Peekdroid in fact — a full suite of customized Android with better battery, better memory usage, and faster performance that lets OEMs be different and better — e.g., [Peek on Android –> free in the Android app store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ly.peek.android&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImx5LnBlZWsuYW5kcm9pZCJd)
      **This month we are introducing publicly the Peek Dev Kit** for deploying one app across multiple featurephone platforms. Look out for an announcement soon — it’s our secret sauce and we are bringing to the broader developer community.
      Plus, our crackerjack engineering teams in Nanjing, New York, and Delhi are hiring. Write to me if you have what it takes.
      All the best,
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      Peek | 33 w 17th street, 9th floor