Neighborhood bad guy: William Garrett


Out of work sound tech and LIC old timer William Garrett has been
annoying LIC neighbors for a long time.

Now he has done it.

The sweet and creative founders of LIC stalwarts Communitea and Lounge
47 have been fielding complaints from these guys for years. They built
tents, curtailed hours, etc etc.

But now apparently all the restaurants on Vernon are struggling with
complaints from Garrett, and his action through the Community Board to
shut down their patios.

Just in time for spring.

No more patio at Lounge 47.

Good for them for reinventing the menu with help of Julie and Julia’s
Julie (the LICer).

But why are LICers letting a bunch of 1990s crank jobs run the
Community board? Why are we fighting against our most appealing and
interesting restaurants?

The CBers need to explain themselves.

3 responses to “Neighborhood bad guy: William Garrett”

  1. R185

    I agree completely.  The guy buys a former storefront on a commercial street and then is shocked when retail businesses open up next to him.  That was the risk he took when buying and he should be honest with himself about it.  In the meantime his building, largely due to the success of Vernon’s businesses, has increased in value.  So, if it’s such a pain living in a commercial district…DON’T!

    1. LICNYC

      Indeed. Shows the power of going to CB meetings though

  2. Jbk

    I urge my fellow LIC residents to write our local representatives urging them to stop their support one man’s obsessive crusade to shut down all of the outdoor brunch cafes in our neighborhood. This is and election year. Let them know we will be voting accordingly.