Cidadão Global, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Brazilian community in the tri-state area, will be celebrating its one-year anniversary of the opening of its new office in Long Island City in June. Founded in August of 2007 by Ramona Ortega of New York City, Cidadão Global provides essential services such as immigration assistance, ESL and GED classes. In addition, CG intends to build leadership among the new wave of Brazilian immigrants through leadership workshops, community organizing, and establishing a cooperative day care. Collectively, these programs aim to create what the organization’s name translates from Portuguese, well-rounded and informed global citizens.
While thousands of organizations exist to serve immigrant populations, many do not provide essential services in Portuguese nor do these organizations strictly serve Brazilian immigrants. While there are several local organizations in the Boston area that serve Brazilians and several art based organizations, few are attempting to use traditional community organizing methods to create a political presence within the larger immigrant community.
“Many people think Brazilian immigrants as well off and easy assimilated into American society and so they often forget about the thousands of Brazilians who are working class and struggling just like other immigrants in this country.” Says Ramona Ortega, Founder and Executive Director. “We are looking to really develop grassroots leadership that is politicized in a way that Brazilians have traditionally not
been in the U.S.”
Cidadão Global currently has 400 members and is rapidly growing. The move to Long Island City brought in 150 members this year alone because of the area’s dense Brazilian population.