Neighborhood bad guy update: William Garrett


Apparently William G and his wife(?) are artists too – part of this
prestigious (not really) assemblage at Gotham Center for the LIC Arts
Open. Good for them! Make art! Contribute to the world.

But why the semi-pro crankiness for 8 years hassling the Lounge 47 folks?

LICers, you have lost your lovely L47 patio thanks to this fellow.

Note fellow cranky Kenny Greenberg (remember his Daily News write up
on the neighboring developers attack on his house?) in the assemblage.

Times have changed here in LIC much to their benefit but you can’t
take the Old Queens out of LIC so easily.

Anyway – how great is this LIC Arts Open? Get out there and see something.

One response to “Neighborhood bad guy update: William Garrett”

  1. Produkshun

    Artist? Have you seen his work? Overcompensated inferiority complex with such a complete lack of talent as to be embarrassing. Ruthlessly selfish and selfserving. All of this in one convenient package. How efficient.