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Most people use EZ-Pass to help save time and money. However, it turns out that the only people who are getting the EZ-Pass discount at the Queens Midtown Tunnel tolls are the ones who got their EZ-Pass transponders from a New York agency. Everyone else is paying the same as cash.
0 “Why shouldn’t everyone be paying the same amount? It doesn’t make sense,” said driver Glen Braica.
Most drivers assume they’ll get a break on the tolls for using EZ-Pass, but according to a recent AAA study, drivers traveling out-of-state may be paying the same as the cash customers.
“One of the benefits of getting EZ-Pass is that you don’t pay the cash rates, so what is the point of having it?” said Valeria Bonamonte.
The higher tolls affect hundreds of thousands of commuters who travel between New York and New Jersey for work. For example, if you got your EZ-Pass transponder from New Jersey, you’ll pay 10 dollars and 40 cents to drive the length of the Turnpike. If you get your transponder from New York, you’ll pay $13.80, which is thesame as the cash lanes, and a 33 percent increase.
The New York EZ-Pass users will get the discount at the MTA bridges and tunnels and will pay $4.80. But the out of state drivers will pay 25 percent more, at six dollars.
“Every time you turn around, they’re trying to charge motorists more, it has got to stop,” said Robert Sinclair from AAA.
Sinclair also wonders how higher tolls for out-of-state drivers will affect the busy summer tourist season.
“Here you are putting this grand impediment for people who want to come visit our area,” he added.
This is not just a tri-state phenomenon. New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine are also charging different rates depending on where your EZ-Pass is from.
“The rates should be the same because we all live in one country,” said driver Mandeep Kumar.
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