Odd Couple: Mitchell Algus and Amy Greenspon Are Showing—and, Yes, Selling …
Two years ago, Amy Greenspon and Mitchell Algus moved in together. She was a blond, 31-year-old gallery director who looked a little like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless and regularly appeared in the party pages of Vogue and Style.com. He was an avuncular, opinionated 56-year-old science teacher at a public high school in Queens, who was […]
Neighborhood Watch Ready to Help Cops in Astoria
ASTORIA — Crooks and thugs beware. Astoria is armed with dozens of newly trained block-watch experts ready to rein in the neighborhood’s 5 percent uptick in major crime. “I really care about this neighborhood and I’m trying to do my part to improve the situation,” said Bronwyn Burke, one of about 30 residents coached last […]
New real estate boom in LIC
Anthony DelMundo for New York Daily News Dan Miner, senior vice president of the Long Island City Partnership, in front of MetLife building on Queens Plaza North in Long Island City. The area is undergoing a renewed real estate boom. Long Island City is undergoing another real estate boom, buoyed by a new batch of […]
Housing Pieces Delayed
By ELIOT BROWN The promise of more than 4,000 units of low- and middle-income housing was a significant selling point for two of the city’s largest new developments, Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn and Willets Point in Queens. Today, they are moving forward, but the housing pieces have been pushed back for years behind other portions […]