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The Maria Callas connection to Astoria

  Before she was born, her parents moved from Greece to Astoria.  Believe It. Where exactly did she live? (According to the biography.) The Kalogeropoulos family’s first home was a three-room apartment in Astoria, Queens, with a view across Hell Gate to the awesome skyscrapers of Manhattan. There was a small park a few […]

Aerosol Museum

Enjoy it while you can. The condo plans are in the works. Demolition. Then forty stories.

Who’s got the scoop on this site near PS1?

Was a bank – State Bank of Long Island

Transformation complete

Artists Wanted takes residency at Court Square.

Bike fans unite, the Queens Borough Bridge

Transportation alternatives is frequently out at the base of the Queens Borough Bridge for the morning commute. They were there today. Get on your bike LIC!

Bike share is coming to Queens

Attention Normal People: come to this event to help plan Bike Share in LIC. Don’t leave it to the weirdos. Monday May 21 at the Irish Center on Jackson at Vernon

LIC Spotting

Can you spot this LIC landmark in the Emirates “see the world” commercial of glamorous locales?

Chashama at Court Square

All that Chashama space is really terrific at Court Square. They have fixed up the bank and art is now getting installed. Check it! Maybe The Palms won’t be back after all…

Goodbye PS1 dome

It is coming back next year though – it was a hit

Neighborhood bad guy update: William Garrett

Apparently William G and his wife(?) are artists too – part of this prestigious (not really) assemblage at Gotham Center for the LIC Arts Open. Good for them! Make art! Contribute to the world. But why the semi-pro crankiness for 8 years hassling the Lounge 47 folks? LICers, you have lost your lovely L47 patio […]