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LIC Co. Brings Home Repair to NYers

From our PR wires:  Click and Improve ( is a new online home improvement and repair service, and helps to simplify New Yorkers lives by create a "one stop shop" for home projects. Log-on to, type-in or search for the problem or service you need (e.g. leaky faucet, paint a room, install an electrical outlet), and in a few […]

LIC Arts Open and the new galleries on jackson Ave

All of a sudden there are five new galleries and performance spaces on Jackson Av. Check them out during this week’s arts open activities. You have probably see the placards — See the full gallery on Posterous

Neighborhood bad guy: William Garrett

Out of work sound tech and LIC old timer William Garrett has been annoying LIC neighbors for a long time. Now he has done it. The sweet and creative founders of LIC stalwarts Communitea and Lounge 47 have been fielding complaints from these guys for years. They built tents, curtailed hours, etc etc. But now […]

Brewed in Long Island City

Brewed in Long Island City

It has happened at last Buy growlers in the Recycle A Bicycle building Buy pints at Rockaway Beach

Get your stuff in a MOMA show

Drop off today at PS one. Get your stuff in this giant garage sale show coming up

Big sale at Natural Frontier Market

One year anniversary. 10% discount. Only for the month of May! The best health food store around.