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The massive Rockrose project and its little artistic offering

This cute cute site is probably the best deal in town. $5k/month for a whole building and lot. Make art. Party. Jackson Ave frontage. Behind it…a colossus. 2000 people schedule to occupy starting 2013 September.

Gantry State Park in summer glory

A great park. About to expand into the Pepsi Park. Amazing views. Shade. Fitted with relaxation facilities. The only flaw: did they abandon the hammocks? They aren’t back yet. See the full gallery on Posterous

Tower 9? Or is it 10?

Queens West keeps mushrooming towers.

Brooklyn Pickles, then and now

In the center, mind blowing, I can’t believe they make it in Brooklyn, pickles. Artisan, handcrafted, and hip. Adjacent, utterly horrible, kosher, 1960s, mass-produced, pickles and kraut for Old Fashioned Jewish Deli gluttonous suicide. Oh, also made in Brooklyn.

Water games nearing completion

Rainbow Park at Gantry is almost ready for its cherry on top. The water fountain is on its way. Getting closer, but not ready!

The future of Commercial spaces in LIC

Welcome, designers and architects! Good-bye, trash haulers. These guys just moved into 5th street behind the big apartments.

Dear community, make this a meadow

This unused lot on Purves Street is an eyesore. Across from sculpture center. Already you can see artists starting to put it to better use. Here’s an idea. Let’s create some kind of partnership to turn this into an urban meadow. Like this one: in Red Hook.