Remember playing outdoors?
Brooklyn: Voicer Karen Mancuso is right on the money. Growing up in Brooklyn on 61st St. in the 1950s and ’60s, all the kids were skinny. All day, every day, we were busy with street games — stickball, boxball, triangle, off the stoop, peel-away, tag, football and hockey, just to name a few. Afterward, we would all go home for a family dinner, only to burn it off the next day in the street. There were no fat kids. George F. McIntyre
Long Island City: I agree with Voicer Karen Mancuso 100%. I, too, grew up in the 1960s in Brooklyn, where there were stores filled with all kinds of treats. We played all day until we were worn out — and even then, we didn’t want to go in the house. What’s so sad is that the majority of today’s young mothers don’t know how to cook, so they buy fast food and soda for their kids. I learned how to cook at 13 years old. I’m so grateful my parents raised me the way they did, because today’s generation is a hot mess. Yvette Kemp
Eroding liberty
Staten Island: Most people are losing perspective about King Bloomberg’s proposed large-soda ban. The people who don’t drink sugary drinks say, “Okay, ban them”; the people who don’t smoke say, “Okay, ban cigarettes.” One day, Mayor Bloomberg or someone else will come after something you enjoy. Then you won’t be so quick to agree. Personal freedom is being taken away one piece at a time — that is the true story. Russell DeStefano
Bottomless cup
Clifton, N.J.: As far as Bloomberg’s supersize drink ban goes, I have the perfect solution: Just buy the smallest cup and keep going back to the soda dispenser for free refills. Rob Carpentier
An expensive habit
Upper Nyack, N.Y.: Mayor Bloomberg’s concern is the burden that excessive drinking of soda puts on government-funded health care. Since people cannot control themselves, and the results are diabetes, heart disease and other issues, something must be done. Why would anyone believe they have the right to abuse their health, then expect me to pay for their resulting care? Gloria Fleming
Dietary advice
Brooklyn: To Voicer Janelle Fox: No, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard about the obesity epidemic. I’ve encouraged others to eat healthy and lose weight for ages. In fact, my mother once lost more than 40 pounds because of me. Chaya Lipschutz
Pot shot
Ossining, N.Y.: To Voicer T. Bonacuso: You equate carrying a small amount of pot with carrying a concealed weapon. I doubt someone with only a few joints on his or her person could take them out and stab or shoot someone. Would you rather be confronted by someone who has a knife or gun, or a bag of marijuana? Robert Rundbaken