Home-related topics for safety, bed bugs, green, and other stuff for LICers

Your friendly NYC housing department rep has an update for LICNYC readers.


Good afternoon!


My name is Molly Miller and I work for the NYC HPD Public Outreach and Education (POE) Unit. I would like to make you aware of our website, http://www.nyc.gov/html/hpd/html/buyers/courses.shtml, that includes free educational information regarding home-related topics such as housing lotteries, residential safety, bed bugs, greening tips, etc. I think these offerings may be informative and interesting to readers of your Long Island City blog and hope you will share it with them!  



We are very excited to share our latest three podcasts, with many more on the way!


The HPD Housing Code Violations podcast will let you know why HPD inspectors write violations and what an owner must do to clear them.


The No- and Low-Cost Home Energy-Saving Tips podcast will teach tenants and owners how they may be wasting energy in their homes and how to make simple changes, which will result in lower utility bills and greater comfort.


Our Healthy Homes podcast will teach you about environmental conditions in the home – conditions like mold, pests, lead and carbon monoxide that impact residents’ health –  and how you can “clean up” with safer cleaning products.



View our educational videos online or download them onto your portable player.


Building Safety and Security  – increasing the security of your residential building and the safety of your tenants .


Securing Vacant Buildings – how to properly secure your vacant building, and what to do when there is an inadequately secured building in your neighborhood.


Building Safety with Law Enforcement – how to establish and maintain a successful working relationship with your local police precinct in order to increase the security of your residential building and your tenants.





We recently added a Building Heating Systems e-learning class that goes into detail on identifying and managing different kinds of residential heat and hot water systems.  We also now have a Spanish version of our online Bed Bug Management class, in addition to the English version. These join our previous on-line offerings which include a Landlord’s Guide to the NYC Lead Law, and a First Time Home Buying Seminar.


POE still teaches in person classes at 100 Gold Street in Manhattan on “Healthy Homes” concerns (mold, pest management, bed bugs, carbon monoxide and more), Local Law 1 (Lead) compliance, lead safe work practices and small property management course.  


If you want a Healthy Homes or Bed Bugs class taught in a building you manage, a POE instructor can come to you if you assemble a group of at least 20 students.



And please feel free to add the following link to your website, as we are trying to maximize the number of homeowners/buyers/tenants who have access to this information:
