Written by KELSEY SAVAGE HAYS, Auction Central News International
Friday, 22 June 2012 10:46
LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. – The small but well-edited gallery imbedded within the Long Island City Kleaners Shop, is playing host to “4 of a Kind,” featuring work from REGA, EVOKER, MikeDie and ChrisRWK from RobotsWillKill.com. The show opened the first Saturday in June and will run through August.
The L.I.C.K. gallery demonstrates that it doesn’t take a lot of space to showcase the arts; it’s the audience that matters most. And the audience shopping for the exclusive clothing the shop sells definitely appreciates the art created by the Robots Will Kill group. It’s a pleasure to see a gallery owner be as creative with his space to further the art scene he believes in as the artists are with their work.
In addition to clothing, the shop also distributes the incredibly hard to come by zine Surface Area created by Robots Will Kill and designed to highlight urban art and stickers. The first issue, with art by Evoker, Michael Banks and Amara Por Dios, sold out quickly on its website but you can still pick up copies at select retailers. An inexpensive, accessible zine offers a slightly more permanent outlet for artists to gain exposure to a wider audience and it draws together some of the upcoming artists out there in one place for readers interested in the urban arts scene. Let’s hope it becomes more accessible in successive printings.
Last Updated on Friday, 22 June 2012 11:14