FULL OF ‘GLEE.’ Chris Colfer, best-known as Kurt Hummel on the Emmy-winning TV series “Glee,” will talk and sign copies of his new book, “The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell.” It’s the tale of twins Alex and Conner, who find themselves face-to-face with the fairy-tale characters they grew up reading about. 7 p.m. Free. Barnes Noble Union Square, 33 E. 17th St. (212) 253-0810.
POP AND LOCK IT. Learn how to dance commercial hip hop and house at NYC Dance Arts’ “Ultimate Hip-Hop Workshop.” Just follow the moves of choreographer Richard “A.A.M.” Holmes. 8:30-9:15 p.m. $10. For ages 18 and up. 58 E. 11th St., 5th floor (347) 634-6539.
VINTAGE COMEDY. Listen to the laughs pour forth when Laura Prangley hosts “Uncorked Comedy” at the City Winery. The show will feature Adam Lowitt (“The Daily Show With Jon Stewart”), Joselyn Hughes (MTV), Seaton Smith (Opie and Anthony) and Roger Hailes (Comedy Central). 8 p.m. $10. 155 Varick St. (212) 608-0555.
ANNE FRANK’S STORY. Catch Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett’s Tony-winning adaptation of “The Diary of Anne Frank” at the New York Society for Ethical Culture. Natalie Kropf, who will play Anne, is the granddaughter of Sabine Rosenberg, a Holocaust survivor. Dr. Anne Klaeysen also will hold a discussion about the play’s ethical issues. 7-9 p.m. $5. 2 W. 64th St. (212) 874-5210.
DINO SAWS. Learn how to build wooden prehistoric monsters at the “Handsaws, Hammers and Dinosaurs Party” at the Brooklyn Garage. Plus, cocktails and an oyster shucking station. 7-10 p.m. $20. Littlefield, 622 Degraw St., Gowanus. Info: thebrooklyngarage.com.
THE ART OF SCIENCE. The Museum of Modern Art hosts a talk called “Quantum Leaps in Modern Culture: Modern Physics and 20th-Century Art.” 3:30 p.m. Free. 11 W. 53r St. (212) 708-9400.
IT’S HIS TURN, TURN, TURN! Legendary folk singer Pete Seeger will sign copies of his new book, “His Life in His Own Words,” at Bryant Park’s Word for Word Series. 12:30-1:45 p.m. Free. Bryant Park Reading Room, 1065 Sixth Ave. (212) 768-4242.
TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLPARK. The Greater Astoria Historical Society will tell “A Tale of Two Stadiums” with this photo exhibit. Recall Shea Stadium and the old Yankee Stadium through the eyes of photographers Rich Scarpitta, Steve Spak and Rob Yasinsac. 6 p.m. $5. Quinn Building, 35-20 Broadway, 4th floor, Long Island City. (718) 278-0700.
WONDER WOMEN. Artists and fans will discuss “Bam! Kabloom! Destroying Gender Stereotypes in Comics” at the Bluestockings Bookstore. The panel will include Amy Reeder from DC Comics, as well as Sally Madden, Elvis Bakaitis, Wendy Xu and Alice Meichi Li. 7 p.m. $5. 172 Allen St. (212) 777-6028.
‘RAISING’ HAVOC. SummerScreen shows “Raising Arizona,” the Coen brothers’ 1987 comedy about baby-napping quintuplets, at McCarren Park. It stars Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter and Frances McDormand. Before the movie begins, there’s also music by Dustin Wong, Tim Harrington and Talk Normal. 6:30 p.m. Free. Bedford Ave. and North 12th St., Brooklyn.