Anything Flux does is worth checking out.

In this case, a Death Match

Date + time: August 22nd, 8 pm – 10 pm
Location: Flux Factory, 39-31 29th Street, Long Island City

Flux Factory is pleased to present the latest edition of Flux Death Match, an initiative that takes online debates into real-space at the Flux gallery. Four highly opinionated experts will lay down their arguments in a rapid-fire presidential style debate that will challenge convictions on critical issues. Spontaneous responses, frustrated rebuttals, and “smack downs” are in store, along with active audience participation.

In our third Death Match, Is Small Big Enough? (Planning & Intervening in Public Space), the debators will argue over the successes and failures of different approaches to creating a more inhabitable city. We’ll also delve into the sticky subject matter of finances and evaluation criteria, the politics of a gesture, and how strategies get co-opted.

Author and principal of The Street Plans Collaborative, Mike Lydon; architect and founding director of Hester Street Collaborative, Anne Frederick; urbanist, city-planner, and founding member of DoTank:Brooklyn and Change Administration, Aurash Khawarzad; and founder of DSGN AGNC, Quilian Riano will duke it out over urban tactics and who is empowered to make the biggest impact.

The event starts at 8:00 pm with an open bar and reception for the panelists and audience members. The debate begins at 8:30 sharp and will be followed by a Q&A session, after which the audience will determine the winner. High stakes are at risk: the losers must each serve as an intern for the winner for one day.

Flux Death Match: Is Small Big Enough? (Planning & Intervening in Public Space) is organized and moderated by Douglas Paulson & Christina Vassallo.
