Erica Kyle Hahn and Patrick Michael Inverso Jr. were married Saturday at Atwood Ranch in Glen Ellen, Calif. Kimberly Thompson, a California marriage commissioner, officiated.
The bride, 34, will continue to use her name professionally. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner in Long Island City, Queens, for the Community Healthcare Network, a Manhattan nonprofit health care organization. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Los Angeles, and received a master’s degree in nursing from Columbia, where she also received a master’s in public health.
She is the daughter of Joanne Dale of Sebastopol, Calif., and Greg P. Hahn of Danville, Calif., and the stepdaughter of Terry A. Dale.
The groom, 33, is a product marketing manager for Google in Manhattan, where he sells components of Google Plus, the company’s social network. He graduated from New York University, where he also received an M.B.A.
He is the son of Linda C. Inverso and Patrick M. Inverso of West Chester, Pa.