Starting this fall, the Garden City Middle School will be using the Athletic Webpage ( and extension 478-3072 to inform parents about cancellations that may arise due to weather, early dismissals, conflicts, etc. We invite all parents to please feel free to either check the webpage or listen to the recording after 3:00 p.m. on the day of the event.
With Regards To The Team Selection Process: All MS students are required to try out for positions on interscholastic athletic teams. Team selections are based on selection criteria (sometimes referred to as rubrics or assessments), which address the sport-specific skills and abilities needed to play the sport and, in some cases, performance benchmarks (i.e., the level of performance in the skills and abilities) required to make a given team. Students will be notified of the selection criteria prior to trying out. In keeping with the modified approach, however, it is the Athletic Program’s goal to maximize student participation in athletics. At present, many of the MS teams can accommodate the large number of students who try out. However, this does not guarantee that every student who tries out for a team will be placed on a team. Student-athletes must demonstrate a strong commitment to both team and player development before being placed on a team. Furthermore, once a player is selected for a team, it is his/her responsibility to maintain that commitment for continued team and individual improvement.
With Regards To Student-Athlete Playing Time: Student-athletes in the Garden City MS Interscholastic Athletic Program earn playing time for game and scrimmage situations by, first, being a member in good standing of the school community, as stated above (See School Eligibility). Second, a student-athlete must attend practice and work to the best of his/her ability. Third, a student-athlete must be a team player and execute the specific role assigned to him/her by the coach. Fourth, a student-athlete must demonstrate a commitment to fair-play and sportsmanship at all times. And finally, a student-athlete must support the team by contributing in a positive way to the team’s learning environment. In other words, the student-athlete must focus on learning tasks and assignments and not disrupt other players. With Regards To Student-Athlete and Parent Responsibilities • Participation in athletics, even at the modified level, requires a substantial commitment by those involved, i.e., athletes, coaches, and parents. All MS athletic programs will meet either five or six days a week depending on practices or games. Student-athletes need to prepare themselves for this next level of athletic competition by keeping up with their school work and using their free time wisely.
With Regards To The Middle School Eligibility Requirements: MS student-athletes are required to be a member in good standing in the school academic and social community. Student-athletes must be up-to-date with their academic requirements and performing at an acceptable level for their abilities. Student-athletes must also be free of disciplinary problems and referrals. When necessary, a review of a student-athlete’s case will be handled by the MS Eligibility Committee (i.e., coach, guidance counselor, school administrator, and the MS athletic coordinator). Contingency programs and consequences will be established and monitored by the Eligibility Committee. The overriding purpose of this program is to be pro-active and supportive in its approach and not punitive, thereby helping the student-athlete over-come his/her difficulty. However, in severe cases where the student-athlete makes little or no effort to help him/herself, he/she can be removed from extracurricular sports participation.
Homework Policy: If a student is missing 3 or more homework assignments or is late handing in a project the student will not be able to return to play until they are made up and handed in. Discipline Policy: • If a student is assigned to a detention or other significant disciplinary consequence they will not be eligible to play or practice the day that they serve and will also be suspended for at least one game. With Regards To School Attendance • By NY State law, MS student-athletes are required to attend a minimum of four (4) school periods in order to participate in all extracurricular activities. In addition, the MS has attendance requirements which prohibit students from participating in after-school activities if: 1) They cut one or more classes; 2) They are dismissed from school due to illness. • Dismissals for appointments with a physician or other administratively approved appointments will enable a student to be eligible (e.g., religious observance, court appearance, orthodontist appointment). However, in all of these cases, the student must still attend four school periods.
With Regards To Physical Education Requirements: Student-athletes are required to participate in their regularly scheduled physical education classes. A student-athlete who does not attend or participate in physical education is ineligible for extracurricular sports activities for that day.
With Regards To Medical Injury Clearance: If a student-athlete receives an injury, he/she may not return to athletic participation until he/she submits a medical clearance note from a medical doctor to the MS Health Office. • Please go to the Nurse’s Webpage for information about Sports Physicals and Health Forms.
With Regards To Student Pick-Up Next Year: Starting next year all students will be dismissed from the cafeteria exits only. With the new parking lot and the coaches supervising this area we feel that it is much safer than to have our athletes picked-up here rather than having them cross Cherry Valley Avenue after they have completed their practice or game.