Pop up library: Uni Library Coming to Hunters Point 9/22

9/22/12 Pop Up Will Precede Site Dedication for Library Building

The Friends of Hunters Point Library and the Uni Project are partnering to bring Uni’s pop-up library to Gantry State Park at Center Boulevard and 48th Avenue in Long Island City on Saturday, September 22 from 10 am – 3 pm. It will give the community an opportunity to come together and interact with books on that day. They will have the opportunity to meet and join the Friends of the Library. It will also act as an announcement of the site dedication for the new Queens Library at Hunters Point, which will take place on Friday, October 5 at 10:30 am. Both events are open to the public and are free.

The site of the new Queens Library at Hunters Point will be formally dedicated by Borough President Helen Marshall, New York City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, New York State Assembly Member Catherine Nolan and other leaders of government and the community. The new library will be built adjacent to Gantry State Park. It will be 21,500 square feet and is being designed by internationally lauded architect Steven Holl.

Those interested in the Friends of the Hunters Point Library are welcome to an open meeting on Tuesday, October 23 at 6 pm at St. Mary’s Church, 10-08 49th Avenue. For more information, phone 718-990-8583.

The Uni Project is a non-profit initiative, part library/part performance art. They bring a portable library kiosk to various venues throughout the world, set up on-the-spot bookshelves and seats, and allow the community to browse, read and discuss books. Their core belief is that reading and learning unite a community, and Queens Library agrees 100%.

Queens Library is an independent, not-for-profit corporation and is not affiliated with any other library. Queens Library serves a population of 2.3 million in one of the most ethnically diverse counties in the U.S. and has among the highest circulations of any public library system in the world. For more information about programs, services, locations, events and news, visit the Queens Library web site at www.queenslibrary.org or phone 718-990-0700. Queens Library. Enrich your life(r)

Find more information about the Uni Project at http://www.theuniproject.org/