LONG ISLAND CITY — It will be the green period for Queens artists.
The Queens Council on the Arts is offering thousands of dollars in grants (the Queens Arts Fund) to to the borough’s residents to sponsor their projects.
“This money is for artists and art organizations living and working in Queens,” said Katie Tuss, who manages the funding opportunities for artists at QCA.
In 2012, the organization awarded grants in the total amount of $222,597 to 21 individual artists and 50 organizations, Tuss said.
The non-profit funds cultural programming in all disciplines, including music, visual arts, film and dance and the grants range from $1,000 to $5,000.
“There is a requirement that the project must culminate in an event in Queens so that the Queens public has access to the project that has been funded,” Tuss added.
Among artists and organizations that received funding last year were: Accra Shepp, a photographer who is documenting all the islands in Queens, Petra Valentova, who is creating a big duck which will serve as a permanent site-specific interactive installation at a community garden in Long Island City, the Jackson Heights Beautification Group which organized a summer concert series in Travers Park and Random Access Music which held the first ever Queens New Music Festival in Long Island City.
QCA’s grants are provided by the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and JP Morgan Chase Foundation.
First time applicants are required to complete an online application and attend an application workshop.
Grant applications are due Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012 for JP Morgan Chase funded grants and Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 for NYSCA and DCA funded grants.