Viva La Comida! is ONE week away…
In just ONE week (9/21/12) – the Viva La Comida! Festival. This Food, Music, Culture, and Craft Festival shines a spotlight on the area surrounding Dunningham Triangle on 82nd Street in Elmhurst/Jackson Heights, Queens. Some of the many amazing things in the area – from the artists, to the history, to the food – are being harnessed to […]
Garden City High School: National Spanish Recognition
Congratulations to Garden City High School seniors Thomas Mage and BrainSclafani for being named 2012-2013 Scholars in the National Hispanic RecognitionProgram (NHRP). Pictured here are (left to right) Brian’s guidance counselor NatashaKhan, Brian Sclafani, Thomas Mage, Jeanne Kennedy, Thomas’ guidance counselor, andprincipal Nanine McLaughlin. Thomas and Brian were selected from a pool of over 253,000 […]
Another PCB Leak Reported in NYC Classroom
PCB Leaks on 5th Grader in NYC Classroom A fifth-grader on Staten Island was exposed to a polychlorinated biphenyl-laced chemical that has been leaking from aging light fixtures in some New York City classrooms, officials said. News 4’s Pei-Sze Cheng talked to that student and her concerned father. More Photos and Videos Another case of […]