Rob List’s ‘Play by Ear’ at the Chocolate Factory
There are long moments in Rob List’s “Play by Ear” where you could imagine an alternate title for this 70-minute work, maybe something along the lines of “Still Life: Man With Radiators.” The radiators, of the elegant old iron type, belong to the Chocolate Factory, where “Play by Ear” had its premiere on Thursday night. […]
Outcry Scuttles Plan to Put Horse on Menu at M. Wells Dinette
M. Wells Dinette, the highly anticipated reincarnation inside MoMA PS1 of a celebrated Queens restaurant, has been open for only five days, but its chef and owners have already removed a controversial item planned for the menu. The restaurant’s chef and co-owner, Hugue Dufour, said Thursday that he would not serve horse meat tartare, in […]
USS Michael Murphy, Navy’s Newest Destroyer, Pays Tribute To Slain SEAL …
CALVERTON, N.Y. — The U.S. Navy’s newest warship will not be named for a former president, distinguished member of Congress or some historic figure from the past. The USS Michael Murphy, a 510-foot destroyer, is being commissioned this weekend in New York City for a Long Island native and Navy lieutenant who became the first […]
M. Wells Says Neigh To Serving Horse Tartar After Getting Violent Threats
A horse is a horse, of course, of course, but don’t expect to be eating raw horse in Queens anytime soon. After getting quite a bit of press, and a lot of hate, for its plans to serve horse tartar at MoMA P.S. 1 in Long Island City, the owners of M. Wells Dinette have […]
Common Core Practice | Floating Buddhas, MacArthur ‘Geniuses’ and Fracking
Welcome to our third week of Common Core practice prompts, each classroom-created and tested by our teacher-collaborators, Jonathan Olsen and Sarah Gross, and the ninth grade humanities class they team teach. This week, the class was so inspired by a Times article about an artist’s inflatable Buddha sculpture, that they have designed a challenge for […]
City wants to put PS 110 into PS 199 in Long Island City
Joel Cairo/for New York Daily News Vivian Escobar with her sons Roman Bonilla (l.) and Max Bonilla at PS 199 in Long Island City, Queens. Escobar said there isn’t enough space at PS 199 to accommodate an additional school. The city is belatedly seeking community support to incubate a new elementary school at an existing […]
Newest Navy destroyer pays tribute to SEAL from NY
CALVERTON, N.Y. — The U.S. Navy’s newest warship will not be named for a former president, distinguished member of Congress or some historic figure from the past. The USS Michael Murphy, a 510-foot destroyer, is being commissioned this weekend in New York City for a Long Island native and Navy lieutenant who became the first […]
PCBs and overcrowding: A New York City school story
A recent report by unions 32BJ and Local 94 International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) points out that leaks of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and the overcrowding of schools are symptoms of a bigger problem in New York City’s public schools. The report, titled “Not Making the Grade,” suggests that inadequate investments in school facilities are […]