Andrew Savulich/New York Daily News
The Show Palace (formerly Gypsy Rose), at 42-50 21st St. in Long Island City, Queens, is seeking a liquor license from the State Liquor Authority. Community leaders are opposed.
The owners of a controversial Long Island City strip club who have twice been denied a liquor license are hoping the third time’s the charm.
Lawyers for 21 Group Inc., which currently operates Show Palace, have asked the New York State Liquor Authority to reconsider their most recent application.
The authority will mull that request at its Oct. 25 meeting.
Show Palace, formerly named Gypsy Rose, went ahead and opened several months ago without the liquor license. The all-nude club and restaurant sits at the foot of the Queensboro Bridge.
The authority rejected its application earlier this year after intensive lobbying by local civic leaders and elected officials.
They pointed out the city has invested millions in helping that section of Long Island City shed its seedy image and transform into a thriving business and residential center.
“People stop at a light and stare at this all-nude sign — that’s not the welcome mat that we want for our borough,” said City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyside). “We are proud to call this area the gateway to Queens and it has changed for the better with many families coming in and calling this neighborhood home.”
But Terry Flynn, the lawyer for 21 Group, pointed out the club meets all zoning and building code regulations for the site.
“They are qualified to hold a license,” said Flynn. “This place has been operating without any incident whatsoever.”
The owners financed a pricey renovation of the building on 21st St. and boast it’s the only all-nude 18-and-over cabaret in the city.
The website describes a lush interior decked out with chandeliers, bronze railings, plush carpeting and granite accents along with a “jaw-dropped LED wall.”
Flynn said the authority rejected the previous application, in part, because it was troubled by one of the principals in the company.
“Since then, they have approved another application that individual was involved with,” said Flynn. “That certainly negates part of their argument.”
Flynn also said community opposition should not be a deciding factor since there are no other licensed establishments within 500 feet of the club.
State Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria) fired off a letter in late September to the authority saying, “The addition of alcohol to this business will only lessen the quality of life in this improving neighborhood.”
Community Board 2 Chairman Joe Conley said the club is “out of character with the neighborhood.”
“This is not something that is going to benefit the community,” he said.