Garden City Village Historian John Ellis Kordes To Speak At Adelphi University
The Friends of Adelphi University Library 17th Annual Fall Lecture
(Long Island, NY) The Friends of the Adelphi University Library are holding their 17th Annual Fall Lecture, “A.T. Stewart: The Origins of Garden City in 1869 and Adelphi’s Arrival in 1929,” featuring Garden City Village Historian John Ellis Kordes on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at the Ruth S. Harley University Center, 1 South Avenue, Garden City, NY. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 3:00 p.m., followed by a drawing for the winners of the Friends’ annual raffle.
It was his love of history and the village where he grew up that encouraged John Ellis Kordes to work with the Village of Garden City’s history since 1989. Mr. Kordes graduated from Garden City High School and Adelphi University. His underlying commitment and outstanding contribution to historical preservation and education in Garden City helped him earn the position as the official Garden City Village Historian in 1996. Since then, he has contributed even more to preserving the history and furthering education in the village.
Kordes has used his professional skills in photography and his knowledge of local history to capture Garden City’s history in two documentary films, “The Long Island Motor Parkway” and “A.T. Stewart’s Garden City” and share it with a larger audience; the latter is still used as a teaching aid in the schools, helping new generations of Garden City residents understand their history. Apart from documentary-making, he has also made significant contributions in written history; he has penned articles and newspaper columns for local newspapers. He has authored and published two editions of his book “Visions of Garden City,” a gorgeous coffee table book including hundreds of photos and detailed history.
Along with archiving the history of Garden City in documentaries and books, he created the Garden City Heritage Tour Maps for walking tours, created postcards, calendars and a poster featuring the Village of Garden City and often gives historical tours of Garden City’s Cathedral of the Incarnation. He is a popular speaker and conducts lectures and historic bus tours of Garden City and even started an adult education program on Garden City history. For all his contributions, he was recently honored by the Oyster Bay Historical Society during the inaugural reception to salute “Long Island’s Top Advocates for Historic Preservation and Education.”
For his talk, this well-known Garden City historian will cover the fascinating origins of Garden City when it was founded by A.T. Stewart in 1869, and also the arrival of Adelphi University when it moved from Brooklyn to Garden City in 1929, becoming the first private institution of higher education on Long Island.
For further information, please call the Adelphi Cultural Events Hotline at (516) 877-4555. To learn more about or to join Friends of Adelphi University Library, please call Gregg Scheiner at (631) 988-0727 or visit:
About Adelphi University
Adelphi is a world class, modern university with excellent and highly relevant programs where students prepare for lives of active citizenship and professional careers. Through its schools and programs—The College of Arts and Sciences, Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Honors College, Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, University College, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business, Schools of Nursing and Social Work—the co-educational university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as professional and educational programs for adults. Adelphi University currently enrolls nearly 8,000 students from 41 states and 60 foreign countries. With its main campus in Garden City and centers in Manhattan, Hauppauge, and Poughkeepsie, the University, chartered in 1896, maintains a commitment to liberal studies in tandem with rigorous professional preparation and active citizenship.