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Farm-Rite Inc. facility in Calverton, N.Y.
Roger Theberge (L), branch manager, and T.J. Lohr, parts manager, are both located at the Calverton, N.Y., branch.
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Long Islanders looking for tractors, skid steers and backhoes only need to look as far as Calverton these days, following the opening of Farm-Rite’s new branch.
Farm-Rite Inc., an agricultural, construction and irrigation equipment company that has been in business for more than 40 years, recently opened a location in Calverton, N.Y., to serve the Long Island market.
“Our decision to locate a branch on eastern Long Island has been a wonderful move for Farm-Rite Inc. and the lines that we are offering to farmers and contractors in this part of New York State are experiencing great acceptance in the marketplace,” said Roger Theberge, branch manager.
“The Kubota brand is one of the most accepted brands in the industry. Kubota’s reputation for creating a quality product that operates trouble-free for many years is second to none and we are having tremendous success in Long Island. JCB is one of the best-known brands in Europe and is continuing to gain market acceptance in the United States. They opened a factory in Savannah, Georgia, several years ago, and much of the JCB equipment that we sell is manufactured right here in the United States.”
Despite its proximity to New York City, eastern Long Island is largely agricultural. Horse farms, sod farms and vegetable farms make up much of the area; and vineyards and nurseries abound. In normal times the housing construction market abounds in this part of the state and because of the vast wealth of many of the residents, that housing market is now starting to rebound, according to Theberge.
“Since we have opened this facility we measure our success by how much repeat business we receive. The JCB and Kubota products offer astounding reliability and durability and when we give the customer the support he is looking for the customer is hooked. To my knowledge every customer that we have sold equipment to has been satisfied and most have returned to us to either buy additional equipment or they have brought along an acquaintance that turns into a new customer. We know that the products that we sell are special, but this is a very competitive market and how we treat our customers will make the difference in whether or not we survive. We try to provide a comfortable work environment for our employees. If our employees are happy we find that it transfers to how they treat the customers.”
The company represents many well-known equipment lines, including Kubota and JCB for the construction industry. Its facility on Long Island, located at 3853 Middle Country Road in Calverton, was formerly known as Rolle Brothers.
The company offers agricultural tractors ranging in size from lawn tractors to 135 hp ag tractors. It also offers tracked loaders, skid steers, compact excavators up to 18,000 lbs. (8,165 kg), wheel loaders, tractor loader backhoes and material handlers.
For more information, visit