Grace LoBrutto Rice
Grace LoBrutto Rice, Angelica, formerly of Farmingdale, Long Island, passed away at home on Oct. 24, 2012 after a brief illness. She was born in New York C on December 18, 1919 to Antonia and Ignazio LoBrutto. On Dec. 14, 1941 she married the love of her life George “Bud” Rice who predeceased her in […]
SculptureCenter Honors Paula Cooper, Will Expand in 2014
Cooper with Marclay. (Courtesy Patrick McMullan) SculptureCenter in Long Island City has started a $5 million campaign toward a major building expansion. The news comes from Mary Ceruti, SculptureCenter’s executive director, who made the announcement at the organization’s benefit gala last night at the Edison Ballroom. The center plans to break ground next year on […]
3D Printing Shapes Factory of the Future
Blogs CAD/CAM Corner Using a pair of 3D-printed scissors, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg cut the ribbon last week on Shapeways’ Factory of the Future, a 3D printing facility being built by in Long Island City, Queens. Shapeways, a marketplace and community that encourages the making and sharing of 3D-printed designs, plans to extend its […]
Permits Filed for New 150-Unit Purves St Rental Building SculptureCenter has a LOT of neighbors coming. Soon over 250 units will house people on a once desolate block.
Queens of Comedy
Print Ted Alexandro isn’t a fan of the name “Mitt.” As the comedian paced the stage on a Friday night in mid-October, his riffs on Governor Romney, “La Bamba,” and aging went over well with the audience, a group of mostly 30-somethings that filled the venue to capacity. The scene was fairly typical for a […]
Obamacare funds bolster new LIC clinic
Photo by Phil Corso Rep. Carolyn Maloney (third from r.) holds a check for more than $920,000 addressed to The Floating Hospital in Long Island City alongside lawmakers and hospital officials. The money comes as the first of several installments made possible by the Affordable Care Act. By Phil Corso TimesLedger Newspapers U.S. Rep. Carolyn […]
Square deal
Think of it as a miniature Midtown Manhattan. In Court Square, the Long Island City neighborhood that encircles the Citibank tower in Queens, the buildings are tall and glassy. The streets are wide and swarming with cars, the subways abundant and the business district bustling. And that’s just the beginning. The next few years will […]
Principal resigns after city probes
Photo by Christina Santucci Nancy Casella, principal of Information Technology High School in Long Island City, was asked to resign after two investigations into misconduct. By Rebecca Henely TimesLedger Newspapers The principal of a Long Island City high school was booted after investigators found she made discriminatory remarks, rigged her school’s parent surveys and hid […]