CITIGROUP INC. : Citi to Close Branches in Mandatory Evacuation Areas Monday – 4
10/28/2012| 02:13pm US/Eastern By Matthias Rieker Citigroup Inc.’s (C) retail branches in mandatory evacuation areas will remain closed on Monday, but the bank hasn’t made a decision about branches elsewhere, a spokeswoman said. New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered the evacuation of low-lying areas, including parts of downtown Manhattan. Citi hasn’t made a […]
Mandatory Evacuation Ordered for Low-Lying Areas of the City
MANHATTAN — Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered the evacuation of certain neighborhoods in the city Sunday as Hurricane Sandy threatened to hit the city with dangerous wind, rain and storm surge. Coastal neighborhoods around the city will see water surges of 6 to 11 feet, the mayor said, with the worst peaking Monday evening. “This evacuation […]
Here’s What to Do If You Live in a Hurricane Evacuation Zone
Two families who live side by side install a wall of sandbags to protect their basement as Hurricane Sandy approaches on October 28, 2012 in the Rockaway Beach neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York City. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a mandatory evacuation on low-lying coastal areas of the city. Sandy, […]
Sandy Brings Evacuations, Suspended Mass Transit, School Closings
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Bloomberg Orders Evacuation of ‘Zone A’ For Hurricane Sandy
Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered the evacuation of “Zone A,” comprising the city’s lowest-lying neighborhoods. In Brooklyn, that includes parts of Red Hook, Coney Island and Manhattan Beach. In Queens, Zone A encompasses part of Long Island City and the Rockaways. City schools will be closed on Monday, according to Bloomberg. Alternate side parking rules […]