How Hurricane Sandy and two other storm systems are impacting New York state:
—POWER OUTAGES: More than 263,000, most of them in New York City, Long Island and the northern suburbs.
—EVACUATIONS: 375,000 have been ordered to leave flood-prone zones in New York City.
—SHELTERS: About 3,100 people and 73 pets staying at 76 shelters in New York City, which has 16,000 shelter beds; several others are open in Hudson Valley.
—INJURIES/DEATHS: None reported.
—CLOSINGS: All New York City schools, which will also be closed Tuesday; many school districts in Hudson Valley are closed Monday, and a few have canceled classes Tuesday. Other upstate districts are sending students home early Monday. Public and private universities are closing. New York metro area subways, buses and commuter railroads shut down, along with Amtrak service in the Northeast. The Hugh E. Carey Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel and the Holland Tunnel are closing at 2 p.m. Monday. Many local government offices are closing early Monday and some plan to be closed Tuesday.
—HIGHLIGHT: Wind gust of 58 mph at LaGuardia Airport in Queens.
—QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Don’t be fooled, don’t look out the window and say, it doesn’t look so bad. The worst is still coming.” — Gov. Andrew Cuomo.