After 9/11, the Partnership for New York City, a business group made up of the city’s largest private-sector employers, commissioned seven consulting firms to calculate the disaster’s economic impact. All together, the loss of life, property, economic activity and revenue, as well as the public cost to the government for cleanup, tallied $83 billion, according to the Partnership’s study.
Today, the city is recovering from a very different disaster, but one that could ultimately exact an even greater toll.
“The impact of the storm is going to be longer and measured over a period of time, but it could be more significant in terms of the overall economic impact,” said Partnership Chief Executive Kathy Wylde. “In the short term, the impact will be less than 9/11, but the mid- to long term could be greater.”
Beyond the immediate impact of property damage, lost business and tax revenue, Hurricane Sandy raises questions about investment in the city’s most promising development site: its 520 miles of waterfront.
A major future cost to the city, according to political and business leaders, will be making sure the waterfront still becomes New York’s economic-development engine—a place where people in every borough want to live and work and invest, and which insurers want to insure.
“The waterfront, long underutilized because of outdated zoning and contamination, contains many of the city’s most promising development opportunities,” Ms. Wylde said, citing emerging areas from Hudson Yards on the West Side of Manhattan to north Brooklyn and Long Island City, Queens. “The fact that the new, very expensive PATH station proved to be as vulnerable as our 100-year-old tunnels suggests that we need to change how we do things, and that probably means a huge investment.”
Waterfront rethink
Here’s how committed the city has been to developing its waterfront: The Bloomberg administration has spent $360 million in waterfront-park project development, according to the Economic Development Corp. Since 2002, about 16,000 new housing units have been constructed near the water—more than double what had been built there in the previous decade. In October, the city announced it would accelerate work on the waterfront by moving up its capital commitment of $13.2 million for waterfront infrastructure.
Some rethinking may be in order. In the short term, development experts expected new building codes for the storage of electrical equipment and possibly the future location of utilities away from the water. Rebuilding smarter also could include a significant expansion of the ferry system, serving more neighborhoods and passengers, as well as new infrastructure and technology in structures near the waterfront to comply with modern code. In the Long Island City construction site known as Hunter’s Point South, for instance, plans for fully submersible electrical components would help the low-lying neighborhood keep power on even if flooded.
With storm damage affecting all five boroughs, rebuilding stronger is also expected to be a greater challenge than coming back from 9/11, which, despite its thousands of deaths, was a disaster centered on lower Manhattan.
Another key difference between the devastation now and the destruction post-9/11 is that New York’s economy is considerably larger than it was a decade ago. The area’s annual gross metropolitan product is $1.28 trillion, or 40 percent larger than in 2001, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Preliminary estimates peg Sandy-related losses in the $50 billion range nationally. New York sustained about 34 percent of those losses, or $17 billion, according to disaster modeling company Eqecat.
Even if the losses prove to be higher, they don’t figure to have nearly the same financial impact because they will be absorbed by a much larger economic ecosystem.
Small businesses hit
The storm caused headaches for large businesses like Citigroup, which was forced to relocate 1,800 employees after a building at 111 Wall St. flooded. But Sandy created a nightmare for small businesses, which tend to lack comprehensive insurance plans and are less able to withstand dramatic hiccups in revenue.
“Small businesses, whatever kind you can think of, are vulnerable,” said New York City Comptroller John Liu, who estimated that New York suffered a 20% decline in economic activity last week that will not be recouped. The city generates between $1 billion and $2 billion in economic activity each weekday, his office said. The loss estimate was based on a review of the types of goods and services the city provides, he said.
State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli on Friday estimated that the immediate economic damage from Superstorm Sandy statewide could climb above $18 billion. “Though the rebuilding effort may offset some of these losses, we must continue to monitor what the long-term economic impact to New York will be,” Mr. DiNapoli said in a statement.
If recovery efforts bleed into late November and December, the storm may prevent the city from breaking last year’s records for tourist spending, the state comptroller said.
The region’s $28 billion restaurant and hospitality sector and $59 billion retail sector seem especially vulnerable to Sandy’s wrath.
XES Lounge, a Flatiron district bar forced to shutter after the lights blacked out last Monday night, lost its third-biggest night of the year last week: Halloween. General Manager Tony Juliano had just paid a $1,600 utility bill to Con Edison—a painful check to sign with no revenue coming in the door.
“Losses are in excess of $20,000 and counting,” Mr. Juliano said. “I have an emergency fund; that’s where I’m going.”
The tune is much the same at Brooklyn Industries, a 15-store chain that sells trendy T-shirts, jackets and bags. Sandy’s devastation might translate to the loss of half a week of sales, said Chief Executive Lexy Funk. Five of the company’s six Manhattan locations were closed all week. The company also closed its Dumbo, Brooklyn-based distribution center Monday, leading to shipment delays.
“We don’t know when they’re going to come back up,” she said. “If people aren’t coming into the city, that’ll impact us as well.” Ms. Funk sent out an emailed apology, offering a discount on future orders.
Other industries, such as airlines, expected to recover the majority of their losses, as New Yorkers rescheduled canceled flights rather than cancel them altogether.
Insurance headaches
While the loss of business is painful, it might be just a blip compared with the challenges faced by many small businesses and consumers as they try to recover losses from their insurers.
Eqecat believes Sandy caused $7 billion worth of insured losses in New York. One reason that’s lower than the total estimated damage is that many Sandy-related losses were caused by an event not covered in most policies: flooding. Less than 0.6 percent of all property and casualty policies written in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut last year were for floods, according to research firm SNL Financial.
Even companies with insurance are wondering whether to file a claim. Plaxall, a residential and commercial property owner in Long Island City, is facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost business after a plastics manufacturer was flooded. But its policy carries a $500,000 deductible.
“We have 30 employees who are going to want to get a paycheck soon, but we won’t be able to do production for a while,” said Matt Quigley, vice president at Plaxall.
Many economists believe the city will get a sharp economic jolt when checks from insurers and federal relief programs arrive. But some experts in the financial impact of hurricanes believe the money won’t be enough to offset the economic blow. After reviewing storms from 1970 through 2005, Eric Strobl, an economist at the École Polytechnique in France, found that hurricanes shave 0.8% off an affected area’s annual growth rate, while all the government and insurance money helps restore only 0.2 percent of that growth.
Adrianne Pasquarelli contributed to this report
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