A Renter’s Guide to the Rapidly Gentrifying Long Island City
[Photo Pool/Joanna_Pan] Long a gritty industrial wilderness, Long Island City, located one stop from Manhattan via six different trains, began the inevitable march to gentrification in 1997 with the construction of the Citylights co-op. Since then, an array of new developments (mostly rentals and condominiums) have followed and many more are under construction. LIC has […]
Out-of-town lawyers doing big city business
By Holly Dutton In an increasingly tight and expensive New York real estate market, some commercial developers are turning to law firms based in Westchester, where the quality is the same but the cost is less. Steven Goldman, a partner in the real estate practice of Kurzman Eisenberg Corbin Lever, LLP, can afford to charge […]
Police: NYer Posed as Officer to Avoid Gas Ration
NBC 4 New York The odd-even gas rationing rule is now in effect in New York City and Long Island, and already there seems to be relief. Roseanne Colletti reports. Odd-Even Gas Rationing Brings Some… Copy Close Link to this video http://www.nbcnewyork.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Odd-Even-Gas-Rationing-Brings-Some-Relief-in-NYC,-L.I./178219431 Copy Close Embed this video Replay Gas Rationing Announced on LI After Long […]
Tech Insurgents 2012: Marleen Vogelaar
Ms. Vogelaar. The Manufacturing Maven When 3D-printing startup Shapeways held a ribbon-cutting for its new “factory of the future” last month, more pols were in attendance than at a Hurricane Sandy press conference: Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Queens Borough President Helen Marshall and Empire State Development Corporation President Ken Adams all made the trip to the […]
New York City, Long Island begin gas rationing plan this morning – The Star-Ledger
NEW YORK — A new gasoline rationing plan that lets motorists fill up every other day went into effect in New York this morning as a nor’easter that knocked out power anew to hundreds of thousands of customers erased some of the progress made by utility crews. Police were at gas stations to enforce the […]
Gas stations need extra power source: Weprin
Photo by Christina Santucci Cars wait in line on 21st Street in Long Island City for gas after Hurricane Sandy disrupted the supply chain. By Phil Corso TimesLedger Newspapers Fuel remained in high demand more than two weeks after Hurricane Sandy swept her way through Queens as gas stations worked to restore electricity and provide […]
Michael Starr
Michael Starr Blog: TV Rob Doherty, the creator and executive producer of “Elementary,” says the CBS series, which shoots in and around New York City, is getting back to normal two weeks after Hurricane Sandy devastated the area. “We were prepared for the possibility of having to shut down production because the storm warnings were […]
Cuomo: LIRR Service Returns to Hard-Hit Long Beach
Long Beach after the storm, Oct. 30. Storm’s Sand Broke Walls, Cinderblocks in Long Beach Two week after the close-knit town of Long Beach was devastated by Sandy, the shock of what happens remains. In one senior center, sand broke walls and took cinderblocks down. And the town now faces a stark financial problem. Lori […]
Fate of pets adds to Sandy survivors’ stress
FILE – In this Oct. 31, 2012, file photo, a dog named Shaggy is handed from a National Guard truck to National Guard personnel after the dog and his owner left a flooded building in Hoboken, N.J., in the wake of superstorm Sandy. The storm drove New York and New Jersey residents from their homes, […]
Qurrat Ann Kadwani Performs One-Woman Show in Long Island City, 11/15
(Press Release) After a successful premiere at this year’s Chicago Fringe Festival, actress and playwright Qurrat Ann Kadwani will perform her one-woman show “They Call Me Q!” at Variations Theatre Group: Harvest Theatre Festival in Long Island City on Thursday, November 15 at 9:00 p.m. “They Call Me Q!” tells the story of Q, an […]