NBC 4 New York
The odd-even gas rationing rule is now in effect in New York City and Long Island, and already there seems to be relief. Roseanne Colletti reports.
Odd-Even Gas Rationing Brings Some…
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Gas Rationing Announced on LI After Long Lines
Drivers may find some relief from long lines at gas stations around New York City and Long Island after a new gas rationing program was announced by officials. They hope it brings order to stations in the area. Greg Cergol reports from Long Island.
I-Team: Drilling Down to the Cause of the Gasoline Shortage
Explanations for the gas crisis have ranged from power outages at the pumps to customers hoarding fuel, but tonight we are getting a clearer picture of the real problem. Thursday, estimates from the Department Of Energy show 38% of gas stations in our region do not have fuel. That’s up from 34 percent Wednesday. The reason seems to be severe damage at about 9 key gas distribution facilities. I-Team reporter Chris Glorioso has more on the story.
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Authorities say a Staten Island man flashed a badge and pretended he was a policeman to avoid the city’s gas rationing restrictions.
Aniello DeGuida is due back in court on Dec. 17. He’s charged with criminal impersonation.
Authorities say he showed up at a gas station with an even-numbered license plate on an odd-numbered day and allegedly claimed to be a policeman on his way to work.
The attendant refused him. The real NYPD intervened.
The Staten Island Advance called the defendant’s home for comment. A man who identified himself as DeGuida denied having been arrested. He said the allegations were “ridiculous” and must be “a hoax.”
Copyright Associated Press / NBC New York
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