At the Secret Theater: new immersive theatre experience in Long Island City!


From our friends up under the 7 train.

Animal Engine Theatre Co., Long Island City, NY

The year is 1919, and Thomas Edison is up to no good.

Animal Engine, the madcap creators of “The Vindlevoss Family Circus Spectacular!” and
 “It’s a Ten Minute Life," brings you "Age of the Android." This expansive and environmental show spins a turn-of-the-century yarn of science, intrigue and love for a limited engagement of December 13-15, 2012 at the Secret Theatre.
Audience members are split between three characters: Edison (the reckless inventor), Fox (the determined reporter), and Anne (the curious android).  Following their character through the nooks and crannies of Edison’s famed Menlo Park laboratory, they experience an unforgettable adventure.
The show is directed by Animal Engine co-founder, Karim Muasher and written by Nick Ryan. The cast includes: Bill Weeden (award-winning comic featured on NBC's Today and in the Wall Street Journal), Aram Aghazarian, Carrie Brown, Nora Jane Williams, Jennifer Harder, Timothy Reynolds, Sam Erenberger, Tyler Parsons, and Megan Venzin.

“Age of the Android” makes its world premiere at the Secret Theatre, 4402 23rd Street (off of the 7, E, M and G trains), in the heart of the artist quarter in Long Island City.   The show has a limited run of 3 performances with a small amount of tickets for each performance.

Animal Engine's website is  Tickets are currently on sale at

This event is made possible (in part) by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.