Three construction workers were pinned Wednesday underneath a massive crane that collapsed in Long Island City, but the total of seven workers who were injured sustained minor injuries.
The collapse of the 60-to-80-foot crane happened at a construction site behind the Pepsi-Cola sign on the East River about 2:30 p.m. It came down while workers were moving lumber at the work site on Center Boulevard. The work site is expected to become the home to a new residential tower by March of 2014.
One of seven workers injured in the Long Island City crane collapse on Wednesday.
The Department of Buildings was investigating and the crane operator was questioned.
Residents say the massive crane went up a couple of days ago, with the street closed for the entire day for it to be rigged up.
Michael Safron, a resident, said he saw the crane Tuesday when he visited a nearby playground with his daughter and became concerned enough about it to head home.
“You’ve got a lot of construction going on around here. So yeah, stuff happens.”