More single people live in these nabes than anywhere in the city
Photo credit: Long Island City is home to the highest ratio of single men to women. (Getty Images)
If you’re a guy looking for love this Valentine’s Day, you should search on the Upper East Side. And if you’re a lady, head to Long Island City to find a man.
On the Upper East Side, there are nearly two single women for every one man, according to census data crunched by real estate website trulia.com. In Long Island City, there are 1.42 men for every single woman.
Generally, “women tend to live in more upscale, residential neighborhoods,” said Jed Kolko, the author of the study called “Finding Love In All the Right Places.” “Men flock in downtown areas that are more convenient to their work places.”
Overall, there are 1.07 women living alone for every single man in the New York area, according to Trulia.
New York ranks fourth among the areas with the most single women nationwide, according to the study.
Kolko researched the single men to women ratio after his consumer survey found that 62% of singles would prefer to date someone who lives alone, as opposed to those who live with a roommate or their parents.
The data only recognizes people who are living alone. Of course, this doesn’t mean they are looking to date. At the same time, the data only analyzes heterosexual relationships.
The study also excluded Staten Island because of a lack of census data.
New Yorkers said the findings rang true.
When Emily Jennings and her friends frequent the Upper East Side gastropub Penrose, on Second Avenue, they can’t help but notice that every guy in the bar is paired up with a girl.
“Meanwhile, there’s a good 10 to 12 girls in the [gastropub], unpaired,” Jennings, 22, said. “And Penrose is one of the good spots to meet a guy.”
Evan McGrath, 25, of Long Island City, said he never really noticed a lack of single women in his neighborhood. But a lot of couples live in his building.
“I never commented, ‘Where are all the women?'” McGrath, a photographer, said. “But I definitely go out more in Manhattan to meet women.”
Most East Coast metro areas, such as Washington, D.C. and Boston, have a high number of single women living alone.
Areas such as Silicon Valley in California have more men living alone because of the high number of tech jobs that are typically held by men.
The study found the most lopsided ratios of men to women in Williston, N.D., Gillette, Wyo. and Rock Springs, Wyo.
The most lopsided ratio of women to men was in the Bethesda-Rockville-Frederick Md. area.
Highest ratio of single women living alone to men living alone
Upper East Side, Upper West Side
Baychester, Clason Point
St. Albans, Forest Hills
East New York, Canarsie
Highest ratio of single men living alone to women living alone
Battery Park City, Chinatown
Soundview, North New York
Long Island City, Maspeth
Greenpoint, Williamsburg