The coffee and cocktail contingents of Long Island City are joining forces.
Richard Boccato, a partner at the cocktail lounge Dutch Kills, will join Rich Nieto and Al Arundel, two partners of the coffee bar Sweetleaf, to create a new bar that will serve coffee during the daytime, and alcohol in the evening. The new place will also be called Sweetleaf. “Everyone’s primary and ancillary vices shall be satisfied,” said Mr. Boccato.
Mr. Boccato said the collaboration for a new coffee and cocktails place has been percolating for some time. The new bar, at 46-15 Center Boulevard, will be constructed with 100 percent reclaimed or locally sourced materials. The bill of fare will include cocktails, fine sipping spirits, wine, and beer.
Where coffee and liquor meet, you of course find coffee cocktails. Among the libations of offer will be the Long Island City Special, made of blackstrap rum, house coffee liqueur, fresh lemon juice, agave syrup, and seltzer; and the Revolver, a mixture of bourbon, house coffee liqueur, and orange bitters.
The new Sweetleaf is tentatively scheduled to open in March.