LICs Arris in WSJ
Sign of rising visibility and soon rising prices. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324503204578318362869409912–LESS.html#%2F12
Queens Official Responds To The Voice Over Plan To Officially Change Long …
Original Post: We get it, but the term ‘Long Island’ shouldn’t carry this much of a stigma. Because it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Over the weekend, the Post reported that the powers that be in Queen’s newest “New Williamsburg” are a bit ticked off by the fact that Long Island City . . . […]
Fake car parts sold to taxis from LIC spot: Feds
By Rebecca Henely TimesLedger Newspapers Two New Jersey men and a Pennsylvania man have been indicted in Manhattan federal court after they allegedly sold counterfeit car parts to locations in Long Island City and elsewhere, some of which service city taxis and limousines, authorities said. Shashi Malhotra and Fadi Kilani, of Paterson, N.J., and Richard […]