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Joe Raschilla: file under d-bag

Lounge47 was a lovely, visionary outpost that was among the first cool spots in LIC. Thanks for everything guys! And with according bile – the townie losers who whined their way to killing this restaurant deserve what they will get. A fresh set of noisy human beings hanging out on a busy street day and […]

Interesting no-fee apartments available in LIC

Interesting no-fee apartments available in LIC

There are actually very few no-fee apartments in LIC. Most of them are locked up in the big rental buildings which means you pay broker and application fees. Some of them are in the luxury-style loft buildins (Arris), and you pay a lot in board fees. So the relatively few, unique, vintage buildings with cool […]

The snows are building

Not open when you need them

“Close early boss” Next time? Natural Food market on Jackson is cheaper, healthier and friendlier.

7 Line Update – kind of working this weekend

Bad news on the 7 train. Or good news. Depending on your location. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Date: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM Subject: 7 Line Update -Advisory from MTA New York City Transit To: [email protected] Hi All, An update on 7 line service for this weekend from MTA New York City […]

Joe Raschilla: file under d-bag

Lounge47 was a lovely, visionary outpost that was among the first cool spots in LIC. Thanks for everything guys! And with according bile – the townie losers who whined their way to killing this restaurant deserve what they will get. A fresh set of noisy human beings hanging out on a busy street day and […]

Aanchal Indian is LICs Yelp champ

Has the most stars. Casa Enrique is tied.

New Crossfit location

Lovely. Hard core. See the full gallery on Posterous

Free! Works!

47th Ave near 11th st.