Christine ‘Kelly’ Quinn: Is The Speaker In The House?
Year after year City Council Speaker Christine Quinn marches in Rockaway’s grand St. Patrick’s Day Parade and attends the morning Mass at St. Francis de Sales…and that’s a very good thing.
However, to campaign for mayor and to solicit voters – some being Catholic voters – on the backs of Catholic Charities, where her mother once worked a long time ago; and on the broad back of St. Patrick, who carried Christendom to Ireland in 432 AD, is a bit of stretch, don’t you think?
She’s favored in her home village of Chelsea, of course, where $300 million has already been invested by the feds and the city to build a park on an abandoned overhead railway, and another $500 million has already been invested by the feds and the city to build a park along the Hudson River.
That’s $800 million, and neither park is yet complete! There’s no doubt she knows how to spend other people’s money for her Chelsea neighbors.
As mayor though, how will this penchant for profligate spending translate? Badly…very badly…or very, very badly! Our city budget stands at $70 billion now – and has grown 55% faster than inflation over the last 12 years with a Purple mayor. How fast then will the city budget grow with this proposed Fuchsia mayor…especially with her penchant for ‘money-pit’ projects?
Quinn also lives an interesting life…marrying her long-time partner last year. She and her partner expect all the rights of man and woman marriages.
This despite the fact that men and women procreate – beyond the ability of any and every same-sex marriage – and thereby shape a better, a stronger, a safer America by raising their children, schooling their children and nurturing their children with everything they hold dear.
Our civil society offers these people – mommies and daddies across America – a break…and rightly so. But same sex marriage partners…are they equal in their obligations and responsibilities? Yet, this proposed mayor will fight for equal pay for unequal – so to speak – work!
Finally, Speaker Quinn is a great believer in the traditions of the Church…but not quite all of them. Quinn is a huge proponent of abortion and abortion on demand, and is very closely linked to Merle Hoffman (see photo on the steps of City Hall last October 19th). Ms Hoffman established abortion clinics in Long Island City two years before Roe v Wade and now seeks to open a new abortion center in Jamaica.
Last fall, on the steps of City Hall joined by Speaker Quinn, Hoffman referred to a protesting nun across the street from her clinic as an “American Taliban.” Quinn was a bit embarrassed by the remark, publicly, but she and Hoffman go way back and are united in their long-term goals.
It will be an enormously interesting primary for Mayor this summer—can I say a vital one for the welfare of New York City?—both for the Democratic Party contenders, as well as for the Republican contenders.
Be there!