Bogner: Reverse commute is critical for Long Island’s future
Originally published: April 9, 2013 5:27 PM Updated: April 9, 2013 6:58 PM By DREW BOGNER Photo credit: iStock | Enhancing the Long Island Rail Road is a crucial element in achieving what is a very bright future for Long Island indeed. Long Island has enormous potential for job growth if we rethink how […]
GrowNYC to bring back Long Island City greenmarket
GrowNYC’s Sunnyside market April 9, By Christian Murray Long Island City, NY: The greenmarket that was once located at 48th Avenue and Vernon Boulevard is likely to be making a comeback. GrowNYC, which operates 54 farmers markets throughout the city, is expected to have a market up and running in Long Island City by July. […]
Long Island City arts group seeks new space ahead of 5 Pointz demolition
Local Project, located inside what’s known as the 5 Pointz complex April 9, By Bill Parry Long Island City, Queens: The future of several artists groups that occupy space in the 5 Pointz warehouse complex has been thrown into a state of flux as the worldwide “graffiti Mecca” is likely to be razed to make […]
Long Island City Artist Turns to Nature’s Blooms for Inspiration
LONG ISLAND CITY — In Jaime Arredondo’s studio, it’s always spring. The Long Island City artist looks to nature for inspiration, painting bright, large floral paintings that have been featured in the Macy’s Flower Show, a Bloomingdale’s window display for Marc Jacobs’ spring collection and on a set of United Nations stamps. “I couldn’t create […]