What, forgot your beach read? Not to worry. One of our country’s top female writers, Curtis Sittenfeld, has written a short story exclusively for Glamour. Curl up…and escape.
We met on a March morning in Long Island City, near the Pepsi sign. He needed publicity shots for his first album.
He had bright blue eyes and stubble and was wearing jeans, a jean jacket, and a faded T-shirt with a deer on it. I wondered if this was how he thought a rocker should dress—if his T-shirt was in fact brand-new from Urban Outfitters—but this was my last snotty observation, because it soon became clear that he was a completely nice and down-to-earth person.
As I checked the exposure on my camera and adjusted the aperture, he asked, “Does everyone feel this ridiculous having their picture taken?”
“Pretty much,” I said.
“Am I the least famous person you’ve ever photographed?”
“If you were,” I said, “I’d probably have three assistants.” I
was doing decently careerwise, but sometimes on weekends I was shooting bar mitzvahs in Jersey.
After I’d taken a bunch of pictures with the Manhattan skyline behind him, I wanted some with cars moving in the foreground, so I asked, “How would you feel about standing in the street?”
He laughed, then said, “Oh, you’re serious. OK, but if I get run over, you’re the one who has to explain it to my parents.”
So we dodged cars for a while, dashing onto 47th Ave- nue when the traffic was light. It wasn’t very safe, but it was weirdly fun. As we walked back into the park, he asked about how I’d become a photographer, and I asked about his music. There’s a way that posers talk about their art, with a cheesy reverence, and that just wasn’t what he was like at all. I’d been wrong.
I had him stand by a tree 20 feet away, then walk toward me slowly. After we’d done it a bunch of times, he began to look amused, and I said, “Are you running out of patience?” and he said, “Not at all.” I lowered my camera. He had a silly smile on his face, and I thought, Is he about to kiss me? Our faces were inches apart. He didn’t move and I didn’t move, and he didn’t say anything and I didn’t say anything, and the wind rose across the East River. Without a doubt I wanted him to kiss me, which makes it hard to explain what made me then say, “OK, go back to the tree.” I think—and I’m still not sure if this is lame or respectable on my part—that I didn’t let us kiss because I thought it would be unprofessional.
We finished close to 1:00 P.M. By then I was wondering if I’d imagined the attraction between us. Before he headed toward Brooklyn and I got back on the 7 train to Manhattan, he patted my shoulder and said, “This was fun.” I couldn’t tell if he was flirting—possibly he was being brotherly, or just polite—and even though I wanted to convey that I was interested, I lost my nerve.
The next day I posted the photos to an online album, sending the link to him and his publicist. Although I could see that they’d both viewed the album, he didn’t try to get in touch; I got paid through my rep. It was May when I first heard him on the radio. I recognized his voice right away. I thought, Good for him, and felt a little bit sad. Later that day I heard the song again, in a cab. It was only after I’d heard it a third time, the following day, that I understood he had the hit song of the summer, the one that makes you feel young and hopeful about the world’s possibilities. A week later he was on the cover of Rolling Stone—not, I might add, in a photo I’d taken.
All of this was a few years ago. He’s become a bona fide celebrity—definitely, by far, the most famous person I’ve ever photographed. He’s won Grammys, sold 20 million albums, and had a baby with a South African model. After he got big, I thought of emailing him to say congratulations, but then I figured he was probably hearing from everyone he’d ever known, so what was the point? Maybe I didn’t want to be bummed out if he didn’t respond.
I live in San Francisco now, and I still don’t have three assistants, but I do have one. This morning when I stopped on the way to my studio to buy coffee, I heard a new song in the café, and as always, I knew his voice immediately. I didn’t catch all the words, but the chorus went, “And still I think of our almost kiss / almost this.” The name of the song—I looked it up while waiting for my latte—is “Long Island City.”
Curtis Sittenfeld is the best-selling author of the novels Prep and American Wife. Her latest book, Sisterland, the story of twin sisters with psychic powers, is in bookstores now.
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