STEP 1. Email [email protected]
> We offer one factory tour a week on Tuesday from 9:30 am until 12 noon for a group comprised of 15 people. Tours take place from September through the end of June and due to our limited schedule must be booked in advance. There are no factory tours available in the summer months of July and August. There is no fee for the tour.
> We are completely booked through December, 2013. If you have some dates in 2014 that you are available, please let me know and I will check for availability.
> The Steinway Factory Tour is a visit to our working factory. Please note the following conditions and restrictions for tour participants:
> * Our factory is large and the tour covers a significant area. Participants must be able to stand and walk for
> 1½ to 2 hours, including 3-4 flights of stairs.
> * There is no seating or rest areas available on the shop floor.
> * There are no restrooms available on the shop floor.
> * Open shoes, sandals, flip flops, etc. are not permitted on the tour.
> * Canes, walkers and wheelchairs are not permitted on the tour.
> * Individuals with pacemakers or similar devices will not be allowed on the tour. (Factory equipment may
> interfere with the device.)
> * Tour participants will be exposed to dust and chemical odors.
> * We do not allow photos or videos in the factory.
> * Children under the age of 16 are not permitted on the factory tour.
> * Visitor parking is extremely limited. Please arrive early for street parking.
> Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.