August 21, Staff Report
The Laughing Devil Comedy Club, which was put on the market in July, is no longer up for sale, according to the Daily News.
Steve Hofstetter, a co-owner with Jacob Morvay at the 47-38 Vernon Blvd. venue, told the Daily News that he didn’t want to sell the club– since the only strong buyers wanted to convert it into a bar.
“I’m not willing to let it die. I love this place,” Hofstetter was quoted in the Daily News as saying.
The two men started the club in 2011 and it is presently the only full-time comedy club in Queens.
Hofstetter was very uncertain when he put the club on the market last month.
“We had been going back and forth about selling it for the past two months,” Hofsetter told the LICPost.
Furthermore, life was taking the two owners in separate directions. Hofstetter recently moved to Los Angeles for a TV opportunity, while Morvay has a newborn at home.
Hofstetter bought Morvay out recently and will be upgrading the club. Hofstetter will run the club from the West Coast with the help of some partners.
The club, which has a full-service bar, regularly draws professional touring comics.
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